Great news! We’ve gained the JTL Employer Recognition Award for the outstanding care and consideration we provide for our apprentices, and we’re one of only five national companies to be recognised for awards by JTL, one of the UK’s leading training organisations.
According to JTL training officer, Michael Morrow, Ameon’s unstinting support for apprentices during the Covid pandemic, was cited as one of the factors for the award. He commented: “Ameon was a clear and easy selection for this award. They have a firm but fair approach to apprenticeships and are genuinely concerned with giving opportunities to young people to enable them to carve out a career in the electrical industry.
“Another big reason for the nomination was Ameon’s approach towards their apprenticeships during the impact of Covid between 2020 and 2021. When a sizeable number of apprentices were being made redundant by other companies in the sector, Ameon stepped in to save these young learners’ electrical apprenticeships. In total, they took on eight displaced apprentices, and this warrants some real recognition, as all these apprentices can now, or have already, become qualified.”
Principal contract manager, Dave Scott, added: “I was really pleased to learn that we had been chosen as a winner in the JTL Employer Recognition Awards, as it is testament to the nature of our business and our approach to the apprentices we employ. I’m particularly grateful for the recognition, as we’ve worked incredibly hard here to ensure that our apprentices are always a top priority.”
The award was presented at Ameon HQ to principal contract managers, Graham Murphy and Dave Scott, by John Cramphorn, JTL’s head of learner assessment.